I like to indulge in some excesses, it is human nature to do so. Zealotry doesn’t happen to be one of such excesses. I’m too skeptical to belive in what I can’t see, and I’m too rebellious to follow norms. When it comes to religious potential, I have none.
Growing up I always displayed an interest to the religion that geography assigned me, and I pursued that interest until my own free will broke me free from dogma. A moment of self illustration perhaps. What drove me at that time?, probably my ever lasting sense of curiosity and desire to learn. Ironically the same thing that drove me away. I was, in this regard, 12 years when I became awake.
I recurringly refer to religion as something that was assigned by geography, granted it too is assigned by time (but contemporary thinking is too engrained in society that we almost always take this for granted), because in the simplest way, where you were born will likely dictate what religion (at the very least culturally) you belong to.
If I had been born some fifteen hundred years ago, at the hight of the golden age of the Maya then I would had been assigned a much different religion. Without a doubt a religion we barely understand today, and from which almost nothing is left. It is my hunger for knowledge which has made me curious about the religion that time did not assign me.